Sustainability at Amop


Amop envisions a more sustainable future for all. Amop develops processes and products that coexist harmoniously with nature to achieve this. Promoting collective well-being is, without a doubt, the most certain and secure path to follow.

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We endeavour to manage all the resources used at Amop efficiently.


Renewable Energy

More than 1,000 photovoltaic panels have been installed at our facilities, thus favouring increased consumption of renewable energy.


Local Supplies

All our raw and complementary materials come from local suppliers.

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We develop new eco-materials in the form of new concrete formulations incorporating certified recycled materials and waste. As complementary materials, we select sustainable, low-maintenance wood, steel and recycled plastics. We favour texturing with non-toxic mechanical means.


100% Recyclable Products

Concrete products are composed solely of cement, sand, aggregates and water and are 100 per cent recyclable.


Waste Management

Water discarded during the production process is treated, filtered and reused internally.
Leftover mortar, dried sludge and cuttings are collected and reused, valorising them and reincorporating them into the raw material. 99.9% of waste is collected and sent for recycling by accredited organisations.

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Responsabilidad Social

Amop has created social projects, delivering non-commercialised products such as recovered street furniture, exhibition products and prototypes to relevant institutions or organisations in the community.


Sustainability and Amop Advantages

Every day we strive for good business performance in the most sustainable way possible. Combining the manufacture of simple products that result in innovative solutions, optimising resources and the life cycle of products.

Concrete is a sustainable material made up of a selection of minerals, fully compatible with efficient recycling.

The advantages of Amop design, such as durability, weather resistance, low maintenance and low environmental pressure, are decisive criteria in a conscious choice for sustainability.